submitted by: 92-Aug-15 ******************************* * Packet mail - sv1rd@sv2dxc * * Amprnet - * * Email SV1RD@GRATHUN1.BITNET * * also now azahar@leon * ******************************* ==================================================================== ### Miscellaneous Packet information Note that all phone numbers with the '+' symbol have been verified. (ex. (310)826+7790 ). 1.bbs soft : AA4RE, C-BBS, ROSERVER/PRMBS (WITH TELEPHONE MODEM ACCESS), WA7MBL, W0RLI, SV7AIZ, PBBS. 2.DOSgate (NM1D)soft with Remote Login for Dos/mashines 3.Thenet/NETROM Eprom soft for level 3 application 4.G8BPQ node Net/rom compatible multiconnect soft. 5.DX Cluster Packet Database for dx informationing 6.ARES/Data Packet Database for Emergency operation. 7.MONAX. Packet monitor program + collection system statistics. 8.R95,Yapp Terminals for binary file transfer. 10.TEXNET Applications software for use with the TEXNET switch. more info for all above TAPR Tucson Amateur Packet Radio pob 12925 Tucson AZ 85732 (602)749+9479 fax (602)749-5636 10.Tcp/Ip Soft + saurce for internetworking and development with Netrom/ ax25/tcp compatibility, Rem Login, Ethernet access etc. info epic! or TCP-Grup@UCSD.Edu.internet or local tcpip users 11. APLINK Packet BBS with Amtor + hf Mbox and fwrd info TAPR 12. PACTOR A new protocol for hf forwarding. info Dr. Tom Rink DL2FAK Roentgenstr. 36 D-6450 Hanau 1 Germany. or DK5FH at DB0GV.DEU.EU 13. Packet Telemetry a. METCON-1 Telemetry + Control System info TAPR b. KTU Kamtronics Telemetry Unit (with weather sensors) info: Kamtronics 1202 E, 23 St Lawrence, KS 66046, USA FAX (913)842+2021 c. AR-24 tnc+Remote Alarm + Control Features info Henry Radio 2050 South Bundy Drive Los Angeles, CA 90025 (800)877+7979 (310)820+1234 fax (310)826+7790 14. medium Speed Modems a. K9NG 9600 baud Modem (kit) Info TAPR b. G3RUH 9600 full Duplex Modem Info G3RUH@GB7SPV c. Texnet 9600 info Texas Packet Radio Society POB 831566 Richardson, TX 75083-156 15. High Speed Modems a. GLB NetLink 19200 No info b. WA4DSY 56 kbaud (kit) GRAPES, Inc. PO Box 871 Alpharetta, GA 30239 or Doug, kd4nc gatech!gt-eedsp!kd4nc!dug Randy, wa4mei gatech!gt-eedsp!wa4mei!rsj Jack, wa4fib (don't remember his address at work, home is gatech!gt-eedsp! kd4nc!wa4fib Brian, wa4vzw gatech!gt-eedsp!kd4nc!wa4vzw. 16. PI card, The only High Speed packet adapter for attaching >56 Kbit modem (assembled) or Packet working Grup Ottawa Amateur Radio Club P.O. Box 8873 Ottawa ON K1G 3J2 Canada 17. PacketTen netrom/tcp internetwork node info WB9MJN@W9IUP.IL.USA.NA or N4PCR @W9IUP.IL.USA.NA 18. Cellnet 56kbaud uhf cellular network info WB9MJN@W9IUP.IL.UAS.NA 19. ROSE switch soft info 20. Satellite software info TAPR and AMSAT-UK, 94 Herongate Road, Wanstead Park, London E12 5EQ. or local Satellite groups/users 21. Satellite hardware a. see nr 14 medium Speed Modems b. TAPR PSK 1200 modem info TAPR c. PAC-COMM psk-1 TNC tnc+ psk modem info AMSAT-UK 94 Herongate Road Wanstead Park, London E12 5EQ 22. Portable/Emergency tncs a. PAC-COMM tnc info 3652 West Cypress St, Tampa FL 33609, USA b. AR-1200/2400 tnc + portable/mobile printer info HENRY RADIO 2050 South Bundy Drive Los Angeles CA 90025 USA (800)877+7979 (310)820+1234 FAX (310)826+7790 22. DSP-12 Multi Mode Controller with dsp soft for 400-9600 baud Applications + Telemetry Options info L.L. Grace Communications Products, Inc. 41 Acadia Drive Voorhees, NJ 08043, USA (609)871+0070 23. FLEXNET Packet Nodes info: 24. Optoisolate 8530 Packet Adapter info Henk Peek, PA0HZP Usenet: AX25 bbs: pa0hzp@pi8nvp AX25 smtp: pa0hzp@pi8nos P.O. Box 329, 1440 AH Purmerend Phone: +31 2990 30977